It All Started With A Song...
Throughout my high school career, I hated writing. Hate is a strong emotion, but it wasn't the most healthy environment with an extremely competitive group of classmates who compared each other by mere numbers and letters. Thousands of words on paper amounted to double-digits, I never got it as high as I would've liked, only because it did not match the style my teachers liked. Funnily enough, I typed out many more words to cope with the stress of not being good at the things I wanted to be good at, among other things. My notes app was my outlet, and I didn't let anyone see them. 

Turning over a new leaf in college was good for me because I was surrounded by people I haven't known for X amount of years. One night I chanced upon a YouTube playlist, and it became the spark to the flame of my love to write. From then on, no matter how random or small my experiences with anything were, bursts of inspiration would fill my mind and desire to open up my notes app again, this time to make my past self proud of how much she's grown. 
"you meet an old lover and all the memories are coming back"

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