The City of Confetti is a place that mixes and spreads activities of daily life throughout the Plains of Id. While residential spaces are abundant such as apartments, hotels, and single-family homes in the organic-shaped and cross-shaped buildings, there are also places for play and work. 
Offices and industry take on the form of a honeycomb-like building typology that symbolizes worker efficiency, while The Sphere is a place for community, where a huge mall connects people, capped off with a planetarium that locals can enjoy.  Educational programs like schools and libraries are represented by stacks of book-like buildings while service and civic buildings are indicated by the triangular prism structures. Finally, squiggle sky bridges that connect the cross buildings are the entertainment districts, the shape symbolizing fun programs such as movie theaters, arcades, and bars. Outside of buildings are walkable green areas with a variety of sports fields, playgrounds, woodlands, botanical gardens as well as community gardens and agriculture fields. It truly fits the imagery of what a City of Confetti would look like in a super future.

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