Spending days or weeks in one place can numb one to routine, familiarity, and boredom. Another interpretation of spending so much time in one place could mean the opposite: new considerations, discovery, and excitement. I identify more with the latter, I immerse myself in the exploration of architecture and look at the space with different eyes every time I visit. 
Getting to know the architecture is like getting to know the architect: noticing different details, the obvious and secretive ones, only people who really try to get to know the place will find them all. Making up narratives for each photo I take of the same place (or different places as well) could conglomerate into a series that tells the stories of all walks of life. That is what I hope to achieve each time I go out to take photos. Anywhere I go, any time of day, I want to get to know and remember the experiences I would gain.

Special Mention in Interior Photography

Every space has a story to tell, and I take photos of it. I have a heavy focus on color palettes and lighting because it is what sets the mood, it is what transports our minds to a different realm, and it can affect a lot on the narrative it lives to tell the world without words. Finding the hole-in-the-walls and the special but sometimes overlooked aspects of architecture are major components of my photography and I hope to expand my library of narratives the longer I stay in this field.

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